About Me

Rog and Sue Lloyd sold their home in Meadow Vista, CA in July, 2005 and enjoyed life aboard their catamaran NEOS for eight years. They sailed the 48 foot catamaran throughout the Caribbean, through the Panama Canal and on the Pacific Coast from Ecuador to Mexico. Neos was sold in July of 2013 and Rog and Sue returned to life on land. They are now settled in Rocklin, CA close to family and contemplating how they will spend their future as CLODs; cruisers living on dirt.

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Friday, September 30, 2022

September 2022

We took advantage of a professional day at Karissa’s school and took her out to lunch at Panda Express and then to see the Minion movie at the Galleria Cinemax. We topped it off with ice cream at Coldstone.
The following weekend, she came for an overnight stay while her parents went to the coast to celebrate their anniversary. We haven’t done that in a long time and we had a great time. Karissa played a few games of chess and spent a lot of time online learning how to crochet. Max came for dinner and we played a game of MAD and watched “Grease” together. He went home after the movie so didn’t spend the night. The next morning, we made blueberry pancakes and watched Formula 1.
Cinemax had trouble with their sound system during the Minion movie so all three of us got free movie passes. Rog and I used ours and saw the new Top Gun movie. Before we went, we watched the original at home. Great movies. For Christmas last year, Rog and I gifted the kids with free meals we would deliver to their door. They were being a bit slow in getting their orders in and the end of the year is looming, so I took the initiative and gave them notice that I would be delivering a won ton dish. That did the trick. Michelle and Beth got back to me with dates and meal requests. So I will be able to complete the gifted meals before Thanksgiving. We delivered 3 meals this month and will do another 4 or 5 in October. This has been a busy medical month for us. I had a routine follow-up ECHO with results that did not please my cardiologist. So more tests and more referrals. Rog, meanwhile, has reached the end of his tolerance level with the arthritis in his big toes. He was seen by a specialist at UCD who will do surgery on his right toe November 1. So he was busy with pre-operative tests and scans. But hopefully all will get sorted out for both of us. Rog took a trip down to SF with his karate chum, Jay for a visit to Jim Sagawa and his wife. We also spent an hour or so at Rocklin's Hot Chili and Cool Cars.
I always thought that spring was the best time of year for our yard, but we are totally enjoying this late summer/Fall garden. The backyard is full of flowers and grasses. The front yard got pretty trashed by the deer who continue to devour the roses and crush the mock orange bushes but we still enjoy the overall growth. I did my usual trimming and weeding and had Rog help me divide the asters and start new plants. The water level in the pond dropped dramatically. I suggested we clean the drains so we spent a mprning with the Home Depot drain cleaner. End result: better, but still not as it was. Guess we will have to wait for rain.
We also tackled the collection of leaves at the back of the playhouse, filling two green barrels. We had a heat wave mid-September followed by 3 days of drizzle and cool temps. We now have glorious weather; upper 80’s during the day with high 60’s at night. I am anxious to get my winter garden going!! Meanwhile, we actually got some apples from our tree!!!
Rog has also been working with Eric to build a box to isolate our propane tank in the van. In return, Rog went over to help Eric and Max work on Max’s truck.

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